Multilingual Readings Project: Asian Families and Intimacies
The ‘Asian Families and Intimacies’ series has been designed to collect, translate and share important and influential writings that are key texts of the academic and intellectual heritage of societies across Asia. This series will enable Asian scholars to engage directly and unmediatedly with each other and thereby contribute to establishing the intellectual foundation on which future research collaborations across the Asian region can be built. It will also provide scholars in other parts of the world with insights into the key issues of our times from the ‘insiders’ perspective’ of Asian intellectuals.
Editors Thanes WONGYANNAVA (Thammasat University, Thailand); EUN Kisoo (Seoul National University, South Korea); Patricia UBEROI (formerly, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, India); NGUYEN Huu Minh (Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences); OCHIAI Emiko (Kyoto University, Japan); Carolyn SOBRITCHEA (University of The Philippines); YI Chinchun (Academia Sinica, Taiwan); HOU Yangfang (Fudan University, China); XU Anqi (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China); Gadis ARIVIA (University of Indonesia); NAKATANI Ayami (Okayama University, Japan); NAGASAKA Itaru (University of Hiroshima, Japan); MORIMOTO Kazuhiko (Kyoto University, Japan); HIRAI Shoko (Kobe University, Japan).
Comparative Asian Family Survey (CAFS)
アジア各社会において共通フォーマットによる数量調査を実施し、厳密な比較研究を可能にするデータベースを構築するプロジェクト。アジア家族の多様性・共通性と変容を比較の観点から明らかにするため、これまでタイ・ベトナム・マレーシア・カタール・インドの5か国において「アジア家族比較調査」(Comparative Asian Family Survey)を実施した。現在は、新たに2か国において調査を予定している。
To capture the dynamics of Asian families from a comparative perspective, the Comparative Asian Family Survey (CAFS) project was launched in 2010 as a joint endeavor of the Kyoto University GCOE and Seoul National University with financial supports from JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) and Qatar Foundation. Based on the 2006 East Asian Social Survey (EASS) family module, five surveys in Thailand, Vietnam, Qatar, Malaysia and India have been successfully completed with close collaboration of our fellow researchers in each country. The CAFS project aims to enhance our knowledge on changing family dynamics, especially on family values, intergenerational transaction, changing marriage forms and gender division of labor in the Asian context. We are adding two more areas by conducting a survey in Ankara, Turkey in 2016 and in the southern areas of Vietnam in 2017.
Research and Policy of Parental Support Systems to Prevent Child Maltreatment
JST‐RISTEXの「安全な暮らしをつくる新しい公/私空間の構築」研究開発領域の委託を受けたプロジェクト「養育者支援によって子どもの虐待を提言するシステムの構築」の一画を担い、「子ども虐待の 家庭環境・社会要因の国内及び国際比較研究」を実施している。子ども虐待につながる家族環境・社会要因にかんし、日本国内と海外6か国において、とりわけ経済的困窮層、ひとり親家庭、専業主婦家庭、共働き家庭、外国籍の養育者や子どもたちなどについて調査を実施し、制度の違いによる要因の効果の緩和度の違いを比較研究をしている。(くわしくはこちらもご覧ください)
日本学術振興会・二国間交流事業共同研究:「資本主義・福祉レジーム・親密圏: 欧州と東アジアの成熟社会における人間再生産の理論」
JSPS-CNRS project: Capitalism, Welfare Regime and Intimate Sphere―Theory of Human Reproduction in Mature Societies in Europe and East Asia
参加研究者は、日本側は新川敏光、宇仁宏幸、岩井八郎、伊藤公雄、落合恵美子、安里和晃、ステファン・ハイム、厳成男等、フランス側はSebastien Lechevalier、Robert Boyer、Marie-Therese Letablier等。
Brill Series: The Intimate and the Public in Asian and Global Perspectives
Since the 1970s, the world has been facing fundamental social change at both the macro-level, such as the impact of globalization and the restructuring of the welfare state, and at the micro-level with issues relating to family and individual lives. It is increasingly accepted that the type of welfare regime heavily influences people’s decision to marry or to have children as well as the relationship between genders. Likewise, the transnational migration of care-workers impacts on the way of life and quality of life of the elderly in the growing number of aged societies around the world as well as on the workers’ own families back in their home countries.
This series linking family research, social policy and migration studies, sets out to shed light at many levels and in a wide variety of contexts on this key twenty-first century issue that could be termed a “reconstruction of the intimate and the public” from an interdisciplinary and global perspective. There is a special focus on Asia where dynamic social changes are resulting in unsustainable societies with extremely low fertility; yet it is such countries that are witnessing the rise in marriage migration to fill the gender gap caused by a skewed sex ratio at birth. Also addressed are issues arising from the alleged convergence of European welfare retrenchment on the one hand, and on the other, the Asian struggle to establish basic welfare state structures at a time of state budget cuts thereby posing the fundamental question regarding the nature of sustainable welfare provision.(For more information, please visit Brill’s website.)